9 Liberty Mutual Statistics (2025):
Revenue, Market Share, Catastrophes

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9 Liberty Mutual STATS (2025): Revenue, Market Share, Catastrophes, Debt - blog post image

Liberty Mutual is a global company that provides various types of insurance, including auto, home, and commercial coverage.

Founded in 1912, it has grown to become one of the largest insurers in the world.

Today, Liberty Mutual generates an annual revenue of $49.41 billion.

Here’s a summary of what you’ll find out on this page:

Key Liberty Mutual Statistics

  • Liberty Mutual generated $49.41 billion in revenue in 2023.
  • Liberty Mutual reported a profit of $210 million in 2023.
  • Liberty Mutual had $4.03 billion in catastrophe losses in 2023.
  • In the U.S., Liberty Mutual holds a 5.4% market share in personal auto insurance and 6.8% in homeowners insurance.

Liberty Mutual Revenue

Liberty Mutual generates $49.41 billion in annual revenue. That's an increase of 4% since last year (2022) when the company made $47.18 billion.

The revenue growth came from higher personal auto premiums and homeowners insurance.

Liberty Mutual Annual Revenue: Chart (2010-2023)

In the last year, Liberty Mutual has added $2.23 billion in revenue.

Here's a table charting Liberty Mutual's revenue over the years since 2010:

YearLiberty Mutual Revenue
2010 $28.70 billion
2011 $30.12 billion
2012 $32.17 billion
2013 $36.56 billion
2014 $37.72 billion
2015 $37.62 billion
2016 $35.45 billion
2017 $39.41 billion
2018 $41.57 billion
2019 $43.23 billion
2020 $43.80 billion
2021 $45.16 billion
2022 $47.18 billion
2023 $49.41 billion
2024 (Halfway) $25.27 billion

Liberty Mutual Profit

Liberty Mutual generates an annual net income (profit) of $210 million. The company has been through heavy losses from natural disasters and increased claims in the recent years.

Liberty Mutual Profit: Chart (2010-2023)

Liberty Mutual reached a peak profit of $3.07 billion in 2021. The company's net income (profit) has wildly fluctuated over the years.

As of Q2, Liberty Mutual has generated $2.25 billion in profit in 2024.

Here's a table of Liberty Mutual's annual net income (profit) over the years:

YearLiberty Mutual Profit
2010 $1.70 billion
2011 $360 million
2012 $830 million
2013 $1.75 billion
2014 $1.81 billion
2015 $510 million
2016 $1.01 billion
2017 $20 million
2018 $2.16 billion
2019 $1.04 billion
2020 $760 million
2021 $3.07 billion
2022 $410 million
2023 $210 million
2024 (Halfway) $2.25 billion

Liberty Mutual Market Share

In the U.S, Liberty Mutual has a 5.4% share in personal auto insurance and 6.8% in homeowners insurance. This ranks Liberty Mutual in the top five U.S insurers in both categories.

Liberty Mutual US Market Share: Chart

Here's a pie chart of Liberty Mutual's homeowners insurance market share in the U.S.

Liberty Mutual US Market Share: Chart

On the global scale, Liberty Mutual holds a 3.8% global market share of the property and casualty insurance market.

As of 2023, Liberty Mutual ranks among the top 10 insurers worldwide.

Liberty Mutual Property Market Share: Chart

Liberty Mutual Catastrophe Losses

Liberty Mutual reported $4.03 billion in catastrophe losses in 2023, which significantly impacted its profitability.

This is a 58% increase from the $2.54 billion in catastrophe losses reported in 2022.

Liberty Mutual Catastrophe Losses: Chart (2010-2023)

Here's a table charting Liberty Mutual's catastrophe losses over the years.

YearLiberty Mutual Catastrophe Losses
2010 $1.26 billion
2011 $2.68 billion
2012 $1.48 billion
2013 $0.80 billion
2014 $0.98 billion
2015 $1.41 billion
2016 $1.23 billion
2017 $2.22 billion
2018 $1.39 billion
2019 $1.20 billion
2020 $2.10 billion
2021 $2.34 billion
2022 $2.54 billion
2023 $4.03 billion
2024 (Halfway) $2.33 billion

Liberty Mutual Total Debt

Liberty Mutual has a total debt of $9.61 billion. This is a 9% decrease in total debt from the previous year.

Liberty Mutual's total debt has increased by 70% for a total $3.97 billion since 2010.

Liberty Mutual Debt: Chart (2010-2023)

Here's a table of Liberty Mutual's total debt over the years:

YearLiberty Mutual Total Debt
2010 $5.64 billion
2011 $5.34 billion
2012 $5.99 billion
2013 $6.29 billion
2014 $7.23 billion
2015 $6.98 billion
2016 $7.60 billion
2017 $8.33 billion
2018 $8.23 billion
2019 $8.20 billion
2020 $8.83 billion
2021 $9.65 billion
2022 $10.60 billion
2023 $9.61 billion
2024 (As of Q2) $9.03 billion

Liberty Mutual Total Assets

Liberty Mutual has $165.21 billion in total assets. The company's total assets have grown relatively consistently over the years.

Liberty Mutual’s assets have grown by 47% from 2010 to 2023 for a total of $52.86 billion.

Liberty Mutual Total Assets: Chart (2010-2023)

Here's a table of Liberty Mutual's total assets since 2010:

YearLiberty Mutual Total Assets
2010 $112.35 billion
2011 $116.85 billion
2012 $120.06 billion
2013 $121.28 billion
2014 $124.29 billion
2015 $121.71 billion
2016 $125.59 billion
2017 $142.50 billion
2018 $125.99 billion
2019 $133.64 billion
2020 $145.38 billion
2021 $156.04 billion
2022 $160.32 billion
2023 $165.21 billion
2024 (As of Q2) $164.80 billion

Liberty Mutual Acquisitions

Liberty Mutual has acquired quite a few companies over the years, including its $2.93 billion purchase of Bermuda-based Ironshore in 2017 and more recently, the State Auto Group for over $2 billion in 2021.

Company AcquiredYearAcquisition Cost
National Indemnity Property & Casualty Operations 2000 Not disclosed
Helmsman Management Services 2006 Not disclosed
Safeco Corporation 2008 $6.2 billion
QuinStreet’s INSWeb Assets 2012 Not disclosed
Tower Insurance Group 2014 Not disclosed
Summit Holding Southeast, Inc. 2014 Not disclosed
Ironshore Inc. 2017 $2.935 billion
Pronto Insurance 2018 Not disclosed
AmTrust’s Global Surety & Credit Reinsurance 2019 Not disclosed
State Auto Group 2022 $1 billion

Liberty Mutual Investment Income

Liberty Mutual's annual investment income was $2.96 billion in 2023. This is an increase of 8% from the previous year.

Liberty Mutual's investment income peaked in 2021 for a total of $5.42 billion.

Liberty Mutual Investment Income: Chart (2010-2023)

Below is a table showing Liberty Mutual's annual investment income over the years:

YearLiberty Mutual Investment Income
2010 $3.33 billion
2011 $3.52 billion
2012 $3.24 billion
2013 $3.19 billion
2014 $3.18 billion
2015 $2.65 billion
2016 $1.85 billion
2017 $2.30 billion
2018 $2.72 billion
2019 $2.59 billion
2020 $2.59 billion
2021 $5.42 billion
2022 $2.72 billion
2023 $2.96 billion

Liberty Mutual Number of Employees

Liberty Mutual employs 45,000 people worldwide, spread across its offices in more than 30 countries.

Liberty Mutual Number of Employees: Chart

Below is a table showing Liberty Mutual's number of employees for the last 2 years:

YearLiberty Mutual Number of Employees
2022 50,000
2023 45,000

Liberty Mutual laid off 5,000 employees between 2022 and 2023, as a downsizing effort and to reduce costs.

Who owns Liberty Mutual?

Nobody owns Liberty Mutual. Liberty Mutual is owned by its policyholders, since it's a mutual company.

Who owns Liberty Mutual?

Unlike publicly traded companies, which are owned by shareholders, mutual companies like Liberty Mutual are owned by their policyholders.

This allows profits to be reinvested into the company or returned to policyholders in the form of dividends or reduced premiums.

Liberty Mutual is one of the largest mutual insurance companies in the world.

Who bought Liberty Mutual?

No one bought Liberty Mutual, but Liberty Mutual has sold some of its businesses to other companies including: Generali, Talanx and HDI.

Who bought Liberty Mutual?

Generali: In 2023, Liberty Mutual sold its personal lines and small commercial insurance business (Western Europe) to the Generali Group for $2.5 billion. Generali is one of the largest global insurance and asset management providers.

Talanx: Talanx acquired some select property/casualty businesses from Liberty Mutual to become one of the top property and casualty insurers in Latin America.

HDI: In 2023, Liberty Mutual sold Liberty Seguros (Brazil) to HDI.

Is Liberty Mutual a Fortune 500 Company?

Yes, Liberty Mutual is a Fortune 500 company. As of 2024, it was ranked #87 on the Fortune 500 list, down from #84 in 2023.

Liberty Mutual Fortune 500: Rank #87


That's it! That's all for my Liberty Mutual stats for 2024!

The insurance company has had some hard recent years, but seems to be coming out the other side alright.

As Liberty Mutual continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how it performs compared to other insurance companies.

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